A Letter Regarding COVID-19


NOTE: the information in this letter has been updated and no longer reflects the latest action taken by the Redeemer Church.

Click here for a PDF copy of this letter

To our dear brothers and sisters of Redeemer Church,

The elders recognize this is a confusing time for all of us as we are still learning and processing all the information we are receiving about COVID-19. Beloved, we want you to know there is nothing to be anxious about. We tell you this not out of willful ignorance but in supreme confidence in the sovereignty and providential care of our good God. We do not want you to be fearful about this—just prudent. This is what we as elders are seeking to model. As Christians we know that we live in a fallen world and with that comes things like COVID-19, but nothing can eliminate our fears more than trust in the sovereignty of our Mighty God. So, let us continue to live our lives, not in fear or anxiety, for we know no one can add a single hour to his life from worry, but rather in prudence and faith. With much trust we ask you to please carefully read the rest of this letter.

We have been watching and praying over the COVID-19 situation that has arisen in our country and the rest of the world and, while there has yet to be any case in Abilene, we wanted to make you aware of the situation, precautions we are taking, and others we’re considering. As of right now there are 23 reported cases of COVID-19 in the state of Texas. Abilene Christian University, Hardin Simmons University, and McMurry University have all extended spring break by a week to further assess the situation. Despite this we are not currently under any governmental pressure to cease our weekly meetings. Until such a time arises, we will continue to meet regularly. With that said, we want it to be clear that you should feel no pressure or compulsion at all to join us at any of our regular gatherings if you feel it is not in your family’s best interest. To this point a few things must be stated.

1.    If you develop a fever, shortness of breath, a persistent cough, or other flu-like or respiratory symptoms, we ask that you refrain from joining with us again until your symptoms have passed. This of course applies to children as well. We would ask, even if you are convinced that all this is “nothing to worry about” or “overblown” that out of humility you would stay home for the sake of your fellow members. In the meantime, if there is any way we as a church can help you please do not hesitate to reach out.

2.    Determine if you are part of an “at-risk” group as defined by the Centers for Disease Control, and if you are, carefully consider staying home. The CDC defines “at-risk groups” at this website, where they specifically list “older adults” and “people who have serious chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease.”

For our part we are taking particular precautions and we ask you to do the same. These include the following:

1.    High traffic areas and surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized prior to Sunday morning worship. This includes all areas in the foyer, auditorium, bathrooms, classrooms, nursery, cry room, and Fellowship Hall. Our building sees very little use during the week in between Sundays so there no need to worry about midweek contamination.

2.    If the issues continue into April, the first Sunday in which we will take the Lord’s Supper, we will refrain from passing around the plates. You will receive the elements in a sealed container as you walk in at the start of service from our Deacon of ordinances, which you will keep until we partake together after the sermon.

3.    It bears repeating: Make it a regular practice to sanitize your hands and wash them often and well with soap. Hand sanitizer is available at the welcome table, nursey check in, and fellowship hall. Experts tell us that warm, soapy water is the best way to destroy viruses.

4.    Take common-sense steps to minimize hand-to-hand contact with other people. Though we are blessed with a congregation that has such great love for one another, it is best to avoid handshakes and hugs for the foreseeable future. Instead smiles, elbow bumps, or “tip of the hats” work well. Additionally, using paper towels to turn off faucets, and open bathroom doors is an effective way to avoid touching high traffic surfaces.

5.    Consider giving online in place of using the iPad or the offering box. Though all iPad surfaces will be cleaned prior to services, these screens are one of the biggest receptors and spreaders of germs. Likewise, physical cash is also an excellent carrier for germs.

6.    We will not be serving coffee on Sunday mornings. While it is a joy to grab a hot cup of coffee and catch up with brothers and sisters in Christ, we want to limit transfer from one person to another. Temporarily eliminating our coffee pot is one simple way we can achieve this.

7.    We will temporarily refrain from using bulletins. Again, to limit transfer from one person to another we are withholding the areas in which items are being passed through multiple hands.

8.    Gospel Community Groups have the freedom to take some time off if you deem necessary. This is only a recommendation. You know your Community Group and can specifically assess your needs.  If your group decides to keep meeting please practice some of the prudential means by which we can care for one another. For example: maybe consider no finger snack food, make hand sanitizers available in your home, minimize hand-to-hand contact, and wipe down all table surfaces and door handles.

As stated above, we are under no obligations to cease our regular gatherings, however, there are brothers and sisters of ours around the country and the world that find themselves in such positions. We pray, and ask you to join us, that it would not come to that point, but please know that we are considering steps to take if such a restriction were to be placed upon us.

Beloved, we write this letter to you not out of fear but of love and confidence in the sovereignty of our God. These precautions are being put in place out of prudence and neighborly love as we seek to bring Him glory. We would encourage you to remember that we have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control. When we gather, we will worship Jesus Christ. We will celebrate our salvation in Him. We will depend upon His sovereign hand. And we will pray for our community, country, and leaders with regards to this pandemic. Be in prayer that we will honor the Lord with our gathering this Sunday. Pray also for wisdom in any future decisions that must be made. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us.

The God of peace be with you all,

The Elders

Chase Shelton